You may be wondering why I decided on the title I chose. Well about 2 months ago I decided to become a runner. I am a very slow runner, otherwise known in the running world as a turtle. I am determined to become faster and maybe someday become a racer. Therefore, I chose breaks out of her shell. Join me on my journey. As this turtle breaks out of her shell.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Prayers for Jessi

I am writing this to ask your prayers for Jessi. About 2 weeks ago I noticied a lump about the size of a marble under Jessi's throat. I was terrified!!!! Well I took her to the doctor and he said that it could be a cyst. They did an ultrasound and sure enough it is a thyroglossal duct cyst. A thyroglossal duct cyst is a birth defect. When the thyroid gland forms during embryonic development it begins at the base of the tongue and moves down the neck through a canal called the thyroglossal duct. This duct normally disappears once the thyroid reaches its final position in the neck. Sometimes, portions of the duct remain leaving cavaties or pockets called cysts. These cysts can fill with fluid or mucus, and may enlarge if they become infected. So that is what happend to Jessi!! Today we went for a CT scan so that they could see where exactly it is situated. The normal procedure is surgery and that is what she will be having. So Please Pray For Her!!!! She had to have dye injected into her veins through an I.V. and she did'nt even flinch!!!! God Has Truly Made Jessi A Tough Girl!!!! I will keep everyone updated about when her surgery will be scheduled!!!


Angie said...

I will be praying for her and for the whole Family isn't it interesting how strong our kids can be when they need to be I know that alot of what matt has to deal with on his diabetes and asthma it amazes me the strength and courage God gives them.

Jessica is such an amazing girl I have been reading her blog you guys are definatly raising a wonderful young lady and I truly believe God has something wonderfully planned for her life :)

Bonnie said...

Dear Jamie: We are praying for Jessica. Love, Bonnie

Breanna said...

I hope Jessie is okay!! And it is good she is being brave about this whole thing.