You may be wondering why I decided on the title I chose. Well about 2 months ago I decided to become a runner. I am a very slow runner, otherwise known in the running world as a turtle. I am determined to become faster and maybe someday become a racer. Therefore, I chose breaks out of her shell. Join me on my journey. As this turtle breaks out of her shell.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Life Changes and Murphy's Law

I am sorry it has been so long since I've blogged. But my life is a-changing(not a real word one of my own :) ) !!! I have now officially become a taxi driving mom.

 My record holding power-lifter has gotten a job!!! It is his first job and I have to admit I have been impressed with his work ethic. He will be working at a frozen yogurt shop (hmmm I wonder if they give discounts to taxi driving mom's?). It is a brand new shop, so the owner has been using his (Luke's not the owner's) big muscles to set the shop up. I am so prooud of him!! The diva has been working for a-while now as an after-school teacher for the YMCA. She is also really good at her job, and she works hard with the kids she watches. She also has taken up running, her goal is to run the Disney princess half-marathon. I am proud of her commitment.And then the princess has started playing softball. So I have been pretty much living in my car, and trying to juggle this new crazy schedule.

     Despite these new changes, I still have been working out and running. My running has been going okay. I am not pleased with the way my endurance has been. It seems like I am not improving. The hubby said that it probably is because I am over-thinking it. I believe it, because there is a lot of thinking going on when you are running. And I have a tendency to really doubt myself. But still I like to remind myself that at least I am running and working on improving. Which brings me to another subject. Lately, I have noticed a change in the way I think about exercising. Before all I thought about was how many calories do I have to burn today to lose this amount of weight? Instead my focus has changed to how far can I run today? or How much time can I finish a 3 mile run in? I love this change in thinking because no longer is it about the weight but it is more about how much stronger I feel after each workout. It is incredible!!! 

     Lastly, I wanted to share this funny tidbit I found on one of the blogs I read. I thought it was hilarious and so fitting for a new runner like me.


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